Session Title: The 3 R’s of self-leadership: Resilience, Relationships, and Results
Speaker: Kathy Tuberville, Faculty Director, University of Memphis
Session description: The pandemic has caused organizations to revisit their leadership strategies in the face of a changing workplace. What tests leadership effectiveness more than a crisis)? Now more than ever, self-leadership is not only important but critical to organizational and personal survival. According to KPMG (2021), the focus for the future will be to re-examine work, not the workplace. To achieve excellence and continued growth, many organizations will be working minimally in a hybrid space and traditional supervisory roles will shift significantly to more independent and collaborative work experiences. Much of what happens in business is highly dependent on effective leadership. Neck, Manz, & Houghton (2018) indicate the need for intentional and lifelong leadership strategies because “you cannot lead others if you cannot lead yourself”. In short, self-leadership may be a defining component in success in an ever-changing workspace. In nearly three decades of study in self-leadership, rooted in self-regulation, Neck & Manz (2006, 2018) have developed a model that has successfully led to a process of leader behaviours, constructive thought patterns, and natural rewards in order to develop effective self-leaders. The facilitator will provide an overview of how a leader’s resilience, relationship development skills, and ability to produce results is a contemporary best practice model for leaders of all career stages and types of organizations. The importance of intentionality will be stressed in a life-long process of continually enhancing leadership skills as environmental, organizational, and professional challenges occur. Specific research-evidenced practices will be reviewed: a) Identifying personal strengths and weaknesses for growth b) Resilience as the “wow” factor for effective leadership c) Relationship and collaboration skills as the cohesive factor and essential key to producing results d) Leadership development as life-long learning as it relates to change and leadership legacies e) Continuous visioning for future leadership agility as context and environments change with technology, change management, influence criteria, and results-oriented partnerships Participants should learn from the presentation that intentional leader-driven actions will be the “new normal” in leadership development in a post-Covid workspace. For those driven to excellence in their leadership results, the focus will be on the ability to harness leadership skills for impact, regardless of the industry or organization. With more challenges in the workplace, more self-leaders will continually be in demand to impact results and organizational change.
Bio: Dr. Kathy Tuberville, U of M Department of Management faculty and Faculty Director of the Fogelman College Experiential Learning Center, has a diverse career background in both higher education and business leadership roles. Through various human resource management and marketing positions within Memphis, Tuberville became interested in the role of developing college students for the workplace and has over 20 years of experience in teaching, experiential learning, and working with students in innovative professional development programs. She has worked with numerous organizations to build recruiting programs that yield high impact talent development programs. She and her team engage with over 3,600 undergraduate and graduate students to develop collaborative, employer-driven programming to help students transition from the classroom to the workplace successfully. She teaches in the Management department in the areas of Strategic Management, HRM, International Management, and Career Development for Accounting. Her research interests include experiential learning, career development, HRM, and international management. She was the recipient of the 2020 Tennessee HR Professional Excellence Award, 2015 Super Woman in Business, and 2018 HR Champion for SHRM-Memphis. In April 2021, she received the George Johnson Teaching Fellowship as well as the Teaching Beyond The Classroom award. She has been nominated for the 2020 Teaching Excellence Award by students for the UM Alumni Association. She is the faculty advisor for the University of Memphis SHRM Student Chapter and is on the faculty of the Management Department in the Fogelman College of Business and Economics where she teaches HR courses and advises internships for management students. She serves on the SHRM-Memphis Board as VP of Programs and has previous served as College Relations Chair for the Tennessee State SHRM Council. She also serves as the representative for Tennessee for CEIA. Previous CEIA roles also include Research Committee and presenter in numerous annual conferences, both in-person and virtually. In addition to CEIA, she has also served with Intern Bridge in employer-based workshops and has most recently been a speaker in the 2021 Thought Leaders Symposium. She consults with employers in the areas of staff development, culture transformation, and executive communication through a consulting organization, Out of the Box Leadership and Talent Solutions.