Session Title: Minimally Viable Communication: When good enough is great.
Speaker: Matt Abrahams, Lecturer, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Short description: Regardless of if you are pitching or presenting, teaching or meeting, you can improve your communication effectiveness and reduce your stress by applying principles from minimally viable product design.
Bio: Matt Abrahams is a passionate, collaborative and innovative educator and coach. He teaches Effective Virtual Communication and Essentials of Strategic Communication at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. Matt is also Co-Founder and Principal at Bold Echo Communications Solutions, a presentation and communication skills company based in Silicon Valley that helps people improve their presentation skills. Matt published the third edition of his book Speaking Up Without Freaking Out, a book written to help the millions of people who wish to present in a more confident and compelling way. He also hosts the GSB podcast called Think Fast Talk Smart. And, he curates the website.